and we will work to understand and to minimize the impacts of all of our activities. Our Management Team is committed to ensure that protection of the environment is firmly embedded in both the company’s strategy and our operating culture.
We will:
This Policy will be communicated to all staff, suppliers and customers, and also to the public through our Website and upon request. It is the responsibility of all staff to help embed this policy in the everyday life of Digital Projection Ltd. Our Senior Management Team all share responsibility for this policy and fully support the commitment and objectives outlined above.
Steve Chapman
Head of R&D
Updated 23rd January 2020
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Multimedia Systems
Heinrich-von-Stephan-Str. 15 DE-40764 Langenfeld (Rhld.)
Tel. +49 (0)2173 39989-23
Digital Projection Limited
Unit 3, Aniseed Park
Digital Projection International fertigt und vertreibt ein umfangreiches Sortiment an besonders leistungsfähigen 3-Chip- und Single-Chip-Projektoren sowie Radiance LED an – Direct-View-, Fine-Pitch-LED-Displays.
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