
Manchester (UK), 23rd April 2024 – Digital Projection and Procom Middle East have entered into a distribution agreement for the Middle East region. Procom will take responsibility for the marketing, sales, technical support and development for the Digital Projection product catalogue in the GCC.
Digital Projection, a pioneering video projector manufacturer, designs and manufactures award-winning 3-chip and single-chip DLP® projection systems for a wide range of applications. A pioneer of DLP projection, home to some of the industry’s most exciting new talent, Digital Projection focuses on the singular goal of creating tomorrow’s solutions to today’s challenges. Its list of world-firsts is without comparison, including the first to deliver high-brightness laser phosphor and 8K DLP projectors, as well as 120Hz LED walls, and the company is known for always being driven by the needs of its customers

Digital Projection Procom Middle East

Procom Middle East is a leading provider of professional audio-visual equipment and solutions in the GCC. The company is renowned for its extensive product range, exceptional service, and expertise in the entertainment industry.
“We are delighted to be working with Procom Middle East to further establish and grow the Digital Projection brand in the GCC countries, where quality is of the utmost importance,” says Matt Horwood, Digital Projection’s director of sales, EMEA. “Both companies are renowned for their exceptional customer service and dedication to fostering the highest quality entertainment and educational experiences, and we’re sure that this partnership will prove to be a productive one for both Digital Projection and Procom Middle East, as well as all customers old and new.”

Procom Middle East to distribute Digital Projection in the GCC

Digital Projection’s projectors provide razor-sharp resolution, incredibly precise colour rendering, and consistent brightness, even in difficult conditions. Centralised management and monitoring are enhanced by advanced network connectivity. Specialised solutions, such as the Satellite MLS, bring curved-surface and dome projections to life, creating immersive experiences. Whether captivating audiences in large venues and live events, visitor attractions, and projection mapping, or enlightening knowledge in educational institutions, Digital Projection’s projectors play a crucial role in every narrative.

“In Digital Projection, we have not only found a video projector that aligns with the needs of our customer based on performance and affordability, but also a business partner who shares our vision of the complementary role of manufacturers and distributors to best serve local markets,” says Rami Harfouch, general manager at Procom Middle East.

Procom Middle East to distribute Digital Projection in the GCC

This collaboration enables the way for Procom to revolutionise the AV landscape with cutting-edge projection technology. Digital Projection’s products can be seen on demo and purchased from Procom Middle East starting from March 2024. For a firsthand look at these award-winning video projectors, visit Procom’s booth #4A91 at the upcoming SLS exhibition in Riyadh, taking place from 7th to 9th May 2024.

비디오 매핑에 필수적인 DP Projector Simulator 출시

Digital Projection이 Projector Simulator를 출시했습니다. 이는 사용자가 고정 설치, 렌탈 스테이징 및 비디오 매핑 필요에 맞는 적합한 프로젝터를 선택하는 데 도움을 주는 무료 웹 기반 응용 프로그램입니다.

Projection Simulator는 여러 기능을 제공하여 화면과 프로젝터 간의 던짐 거리를 계산하고 투사된 이미지의 크기와 거리 간의 관계를 결정하는 등 포괄적인 기능을 제공합니다. 이 도구는 또한 최적의 프로젝터 배치를 위한 권장 사항을 제공합니다.

사용자 편의를 위해 소프트웨어는 두 가지 모드를 제공합니다. Single Projection 모드에서는 하나의 프로젝터만 사용 가능하며 Multi Projection 모드에서는 사용자가 돔 및 곡면 스크린과 같은 3D 개체를 가져오고 선택하고 배열할 수 있으며 그 위에 매핑하여 시뮬레이션된 설치 시나리오에서 프로젝터를 사전 설치하는 데 도움이 됩니다.

이 응용 프로그램은 또한 프로젝터 요구 사항을 모르는 사용자들에게 도움이 되어 사용자의 필요에 부합하는 프로젝터를 제안하고 제품의 해상도 및 밝기와 같은 기본 사양과 함께 사진을 표시합니다. 그러나 사용자가 어떤 유형의 프로젝터가 필요한지 알고 있다면 해당 유형의 프로젝터 목록이 표시됩니다.

무엇보다도 Projection Simulator 사용자는 방 크기, 스크린 설정 및 투사 위치를 고려하여 자체 설치 조건을 미세 조정할 수 있으며 2D 뷰 (측면, 전면 및 상단에서)와 3D 영역에서 프로젝터의 위치를 시각화할 수 있습니다. 이 소프트웨어는 또한 투사된 이미지가 벽, 천장 또는 바닥과 교차하는 경우 사용자에게 경고하여 실제 세계에서 원활한 프로젝션 경험을 보장합니다. 사용자는 결과를 저장, 삭제 또는 다운로드할 수도 있습니다.

Digital Projection 글로벌 마케팅 부사장인 Mark Wadsworth는 “우리는 고객의 시각적 경험을 향상시키기 위한 선택을 올바르게 하도록 확실하게 하는 데 중점을 둔 Projection Simulator를 소개할 수 있어 기쁘게 생각합니다”라고 말했습니다.

Projection Simulator는 9개 언어로 제공되며(다운로드가 필요하지 않음) Digital Projection 웹사이트(에서 쉽게 액세스할 수 있습니다.

비디오 매핑에 필수적인 DP Projector Simulator 출시

새로운 E-Vision 플랫폼 프로젝터

맨체스터(영국), 2024년 1월 22일 – 디지털 프로젝션, 델타의 브랜드,은 ISE 2024에서 최첨단 레이저 프로젝터 두 대를 미리 살펴볼 예정입니다. 새로운 E-Vision 16000i WU는 플래그십 TITAN 시리즈에서 기능의 많은 부분을 공유하는 최신 업그레이드된 신규 그래픽 칩셋을 적용한 플랫폼을 자랑합니다. 이 새로운 E-Vision 플랫폼은 강의실부터 프로젝션 매핑까지 모든 분야에 대한 우수한 신뢰성을 유지하면서도 새로운 기능을 제공하여 사용자들에게 뛰어난 시각 경험을 선사합니다.

새로운 디자인의 핵심은 Texas Instruments의 새로운 0.8인치 고효율 픽셀 (HEP) DMD 를 채용한 디자인을 구현한 것입니다. 이 새로운 DMD는 이전 0.67인치 DMD에서 가능했던 것보다 더 높은 밝기를 제공할 뿐만 아니라 DLP 프로젝터의 특징인 뛰어난 내구성과 신뢰성을 저해하지 않으면서 우수한 색상과 대비를 가능케 합니다.

이 새로운 DMD는 솔리드스테이트 레이져 광원에 최적화되어 밝기를 전례 없이 16,000 ISO 루멘으로 높일 수 있었습니다. DMD 미러의 기울기가 증가함에 따라 더 넓은 색상 범위 및 특히 “완벽에 가까운 블랙“을 얻을 수 있었으며, 미러가 “Off” 위치일 때 효율적으로 광을 렌즈로부터 효율적으로 방향 전환하여 한층 개선된 네이티브 콘트라스트를 제공합니다.

이 레이저-인광체 (Laser+Phosphor) 프로젝터의 이미징 품질에 있어서 핵심은 ColorBoost + Red Laser 기술을 탑재하여 이전에 도달하지 못했던 높은 밝기 수준에서 가장 현실적이고 채도 높은 색상을 제공합니다.

또 다른 제품으로는 9,600 루멘의 밝기와 20,000:1의 다이내믹 콘트라스트를 자랑하는 E-Vision 10000i WU가 새롭게 선보여졌습니다. 이 제품은 E-Vision 16000i와 동일한 고급 기능을 공유하며, Source Redundancy, Brightness Sync, Auto White Balance Correction과 같은 고사양 3칩 프로젝터에 채용된 것으로, 이는 현재 시장에서 가장 강력하고 유연한 싱글 칩 DLP 프로젝터 중 일부입니다.

Delta EMEA의 DSBU 총괄 매니저인 Dirk Siedle은 부스에 대해 다음과 같이 언급했습니다. “저희는 혁신적인 Satellite MLS 시스템과 같은 제품들로 디스플레이 시장에 첨단 기술을 계속해서 제공하고 있습니다. 이러한 새로운 통합 프로젝터들은 세계에서 가장 능력 있는 고밝기 프로젝터 중 일부로, 모든 레이져 프로젝터의 개발을 선도하기 위한 우리의 헌신을 보여주고 있습니다.”

“It’s Showtime!” 2024년 ISE 에서 디지털프로젝션의 뉴 라인업 공개 + MLS 업데이트

새틀라이트 MLS 광원 모듈 업그레이드!

혁신적인 Satellite MLS는 지난 몇 년 동안 매우 인기가 있었으며 더 많은 밝기와 효율을 요구하는 큰 수요를 보여주었습니다. 고객들의 이러한 요청을 충족시키기 위해 우리는 원래의 10,000 루멘 광원을 보완하기 위해 20,000 및 30,000 루멘 모듈형 광원을 출시했습니다. 이로써 “다대일” 광섬유 구성이 필요하지 않아져 설치가 이전보다 더 쉬워졌으며 더 많은 유연성을 제공합니다. 새로운 광섬유 케이블은 지름이 줄어들고 더 높은 광 전송 효율을 가져옵니다. 이로써 시스템 비용을 크게 절감할 수 있도록 해주었습니다. 이러한 새로운 기능들은 이 첨단 기술을 이전보다 더 접근 가능하게 만들어주며 놀라운 REC2020 컬러 스페이스를 유지하면서 고객에게 최상위 품질을 제공합니다.

“It’s Showtime!” 2024년 ISE 에서 디지털프로젝션의 뉴 라인업 공개 + MLS 업데이트

TITAN 레이져 47000 WU / 41000 4K-UHD

유럽 최초 공개되는 완전히 새로운 TITAN 패밀리 프로젝터는 InfoComm에서 2023년 여름에 선보였으며 이후 전면적인 플랫폼 재디자인을 거쳤습니다.

TITAN 47000 WUXGA / 41000 4K-UHD 및 M-Vision 27000 WUXGA는 3칩/1칩 DLP 프로젝터 중 동급대비 가장 밝은 성능을 자랑하며 전례 없는 밝기, 생생한 색상 렌더링, 더 작고 효율적인 디자인으로 다양한 상업 환경에서 뛰어난 화질을 제공합니다.

새로운 TITAN 레이저 프로젝터 패밀리는 WUXGA에서 최대 47,000 루멘, 4K-UHD 해상도에서 최대 41,000 루멘을 제공하며 모두 Digital Projection의 ColorBoost + Red Laser 기술을 통해 블루 레이저 시스템과 레드 레이저를 결합하여 탁월한 생생한 색상을 구현합니다.

TITAN 41000 4K UHD (3840×2160) 프로젝터 케이스에는 극히 선도적인 기술이 내장되어 있어, 이는 경기장, 대형 아트 센터, 관광 명소, 종교 시설, 렌탈 및 라이브 스테이지 등과 같은 고급 대형 장소에 최적의 이미징 솔루션으로 간주됩니다.

새로운 TITAN 패밀리는 현재 모델보다 크게 발전한 것으로, 효율성과 크기를 위해 많은 측면이 완전히 새롭게 재상상되고 재설계되었습니다. 새로운 모델은 현재 TITAN과 비교했을 때 루멘 당 와트 출력이 15% 더 효율적이며 가장 가까운 경쟁 모델보다 뛰어나므로 TITAN은 이미 프로젝션 파워하우스로서 전설적인 명성과 함께 TITAN의 친환경 자격을 확고히 입증합니다. ECO 모드에서 4만 시간 이상의 수명IP60 방진 설계, 필터 미적용 설계를 더하면 TITAN은 24/7 환경에서 최소한의 번거로움으로 안정적으로 운영되도록 디자인되었습니다.

추가된 강력함과 기능은 훨씬 더 소형의 케이스로 설계되어 있어, 현재 모델보다 27% 더 밝고 13.3% 더 작으며 7.4% 더 가볍고 현재 모델보다 3dBA 조용합니다. 이로써 TITAN은 자신의 클래스에서 가장 작고 가벼우며 밝고 조용한 프로젝터의 지위를 되찾았습니다.

“It’s Showtime!” 2024년 ISE 에서 디지털프로젝션의 뉴 라인업 공개 + MLS 업데이트
InfoComm 2023 projection mapping

Infocomm 2023에서 디지털 프로젝션은  “Get on the Bus!” 라는 슬로건으로 참석자들에게 새로운 신제품을 선보였습니다.

프로젝션 맵핑 메인 전시회에는 1963년식 VW 토팡가 버스에 VIOSO 커스텀 콘텐츠를 전시하는 3대의 HIGHLite Satellite MLS 프로젝터를 사용하였습니다.  디지털 프로젝션이 과거에 선보였던 여느 무역 박람회 부스와 달리 이 독특한 프레젠테이션은 참석자들을 매료시켰습니다. 또한 두 개의 새로운 메인스트림 프로젝터가 공개되었습니다: 화려한 색상을 보여주는 M-Vision 27000 WU와 조용하고 강력한 TITAN 41000 4K-UHD.  더불어 효율적인 라디언스 EV 시리즈 마이크로 LED 0.9mm와 멀티 윈도우 처리를 위한 Performance Series 1.2mm로 강화되었습니다. 전체적으로 이 쇼는 디지털 프로젝션의 큰 성공을 거두었고, 우리 제품에 대한 4개의 업계 상을 수상했습니다.

AwardCategoryProduct / Installation
Systems Contractor News Installation Product AwardMost Innovative Video Projection SolutionHIGHlite Satellite MLS Reference
Commercial Integrator Best AwardBest Large Venue ProjectorHIGHlite Satellite MLS Reference
Projector CentralBest of ShowTITAN 41000 4K-UHD
AV TechnologyBest of ShowTITAN 41000 4K-UHD

Featured Products

Satellite Modular Laser System (MLS)

디스플레이 산업의 게임 체인져 – 디지털 프로젝션의 모듈형 RGB 레이져 프로젝션 Satellite Modular Laser System (MLS)
  • Up to 40,000 Lumens
  • 3 Chip DLP
  • 8K, 4K, 4K-UHD & WUXGA resolution
  • RGB Modular Light Sources
  • Compact Projection Heads
  • Up to 100m Satellite Link Cable
Find out more

TITAN Laser 47000 WUXGA / 41000 4K-UHD

NEW TITAN 프로젝터는 최첨단 기술의 물결을 타고 등장했습니다. 대극장, 공연 예술 센터, 관광 명소, 종교 시설, 그리고 렌탈 및 스테이징 분야에서 선택되는 최고의 영상 솔루션입니다. 우아함과 세련미로 가득한 TITAN은 당신을 놀라게 할 것입니다.
Find out more

M-Vision 23000 WU

Exceptionally powerful 1-DLP Laser Projectors
  • 23000 Lumens
  • 1 Chip DLP
  • WUXGA resolution
  • ColorBoost + RedLaser Technology
  • IP60 Sealed Optics
  • Fixed & Zoom Lens Options
Find out more

Looking for more information or guidance?

Designed for exceptional performance in commercial environments, Digital Projection’s’ state-of-the-art TITAN 41000 and M-Vision 27000 builds on its legacy of innovation by introducing some more world-firsts.

At InfoComm 2023, Digital Projection is pushing the imaging boundaries with the introduction of two of its most advanced laser projectors to date. The new TITAN 41000 4K UHD and M-Vision 27000 WUXGA projectors are packed with cutting-edge capabilities, including unprecedented brightness, vibrant colour rendering, a more compact footprint and improved, market-leading efficiency, for exceptionally bright, accurate, lifelike images for a wide range of commercial environments.

Engineered with technology to support even the most demanding of applications, the M-Vision 27000 WU boasts an unparalleled 27,000 lumens output and 10,000:1 contrast ratio, bringing budget-sensitive applications a large-screen imaging solution and near 3-Chip performance at a 1-Chip price point.

The new TITAN family of laser projectors, meanwhile, delivers up to 47,000 lumens at WUXGA and 41,000 lumens at 4K-UHD resolutions.

Both models incorporate Digital Projection’s ColorBoost+RedLaser technology, which utilises red laser alongside the traditional blue laser phosphor system to display brilliant, vibrant colours.

Digital Projection introduces two new class-leading laser projectors at InfoComm 2023
Digital Projection introduces two new class-leading laser projectors at InfoComm 2023

TITAN 41000 4K-UHD & TITAN 47000 WUXGA

Built into the TITAN 41000 4K UHD (3840×2160) projector chassis are several leading-edge technologies that make it a choice imaging solution for higher-end large venue applications, such as auditoria, performing arts centres, visitor attraction venues, houses of worship, and rental and staging.

The new TITAN family is a huge leap forward over the popular current models, with many aspects completely reimagined and redesigned for efficiency and size. The new model is 15% more efficient when measuring the lumens-per-watt output than the current TITAN and better than the closest competitor, firmly putting down the TITAN’s green credentials alongside its already legendary status as a projection powerhouse. Add to this the extended 40,000 hours illumination lifetime in ECO mode and the dust-proof, filterless design, the TITAN is designed to run and run with minimal fuss in 24/7 environments.

Quick Links

  • 3-Chip TITAN WUXGA 47000 Lumens
  • 3-Chip TITAN 4K-UHD 41000 Lumens
  • 1-Chip M-Vision 27,000 Lumens

The extra power and capability have also been engineered into a much more compact chassis, meaning it is 27% brighter, 13.3% smaller, 7.4% lighter and 3dBA quieter than the current model. This regains the TITAN’s position as the Smallest, Lightest, Brightest and Quietest projector in its class.

Not content with the physical design, a host of new features have been added to the video processing that are built to make installation and operation easier and more reliable. Features such as source redundancy offers peace of mind for those critical live events, while flexible geometry adjustment gives intuitive correction via PC tool or Remote Control.

Also new to the TITAN family is Brightness Sync, where embedded sensors monitor and automatically adjusts the brightness of individual projectors in blended multi-projector installs to ensure that each projected image is perfectly matched.

A standout feature of this high-end 4K-UHD (3840×2160) 16:9 laser projector is the use of both red and blue lasers to produce an exceptionally broad colour gamut. ColorBoost+Red technology enables the TITAN 41000-4K-UHD to produce crisp, clean, lifelike images, while the fast transit pixels ensure smooth greyscaling.

At InfoComm Digital Projection will demonstrate the imaging capabilities of the TITAN 41000 4K-UHD, which features a 2,000:1 native contrast ratio, by pairing it with a 3.5m-wide projection screen in an ultra-short-throw projection configuration.

M-Vision 27000 WUXGA Laser Projector

Also benefitting for a major upgrade in capability is the M-Vision 27000 WU (1920×1200). It embodies many of the same features as the TITAN but in a super-bright, budget-friendly 1-Chip DLP package. Outputting 27,000 ISO lumens, it is the brightest single-chip laser projector on the market and excels in environments with high ambient light. Following the design ethos of the TITAN, it too is 14.8% brighter and 9.2% lighter than its predecessor, with environmental considerations taken into account at every stage with a 23.8% light efficiency improvement over the previous M-Vision.

Also key to its imaging quality, this laser-phosphor projector is charged with ColorBoost+Red Laser technology to provide the most realistic and saturated colours at previously unreachable luminance levels, and a 10,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio delivers deep blacks.

A complete suite of professional lenses now includes the brand new 0.38:1 UST lens with exceptional vertical lens shift, making it even more flexible for installations in tight spaces.

Rounding out the capabilities of the M-Vision 27000 are features usually reserved for high-end 3-Chip products, such as Source Redundancy, Brightness Sync and Auto White Balance Correction, making this is one of the most capable, flexible Single-Chip DLP projectors on the market today.

At InfoComm 2023, Digital Projection pairs the M-Vision 27000 with a projection screen oriented vertically to convey the installation flexibility of this new projector, particularly for the unique video requirements of commercial environments such as retail and hospitality.


Digital Projection introduces two new class-leading laser projectors at InfoComm 2023

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Recognized for its incredible installation versatility and imaging excellence, DP’s innovative HIGHlite 4K UHD Reference Satellite Modular Light Source (MLS) projection system grabs top honors in CE Pro’s annual TNT contest.     

Digital Projection International brings home from ISE (Integrated Systems Europe) the coveted TNT (Top New Technologies) award from CE Pro magazine for its game-changing HIGHlite 4K UHD Reference Satellite Modular Light Source (MLS) projection system. Innovative in design, powerful in performance, and replete with numerous benefits for both systems integrators and end-users, the HIGHlite Satellite MLS 3-chip DLP sets a new standard for residential projection systems. DP’s HIGHlite Satellite MLS was selected by a distinguished panel of judges as the most innovative residential projection technology and was presented the TNT award at Integrated Systems Europe 2023 in Barcelona, January 31-Febuary 3.

One of the most significant differentiators of DP’s HIGHlite Satellite MLS is its revolutionary two-piece design. The light source and projector come as two separate components, which makes the projector chassis incredibly lightweight, compact, and easier to install, especially in tight spaces. The projector chassis weighs just 42 pounds, compared to the 120 pounds of most other projectors, and is 83% smaller than its original integrated design. The illumination engine can be located apart from the projector to minimize noise and simplify upgrades and maintenance.

“The Top New Technology Awards program recognizes innovation being shown at ISE, which has become one of the most important global technology events. The TNT Awards represent product engineering at the highest level, which Digital Projection continues to demonstrate with its unique and versatile solutions,” says CE Pro executive editor Arlen Schweiger. “CE Pro congratulates DP on their well-deserved award for the HIGHlite Satellite MLS projection system!”

“We are honored to be recognized by CE Pro for our HIGHlite S-MLS and extremely proud to provide systems integrators with a projection solution that not only performs exceptionally well but simplifies installation tremendously,” says Chuck Collins, Digital Projection vice president of sales. “The TNT award is a monumental achievement and well-deserved tribute to our outstanding engineers and designers who consistently push the boundaries of technological innovation to create some of the world’s finest imaging products. Our revolutionary HIGHlite S-MLS projection system is a representation of DP’s commitment to excellence and leading-edge projection solutions.”

2023년 5월 로드쇼 이벤트

2023년 5월 Digital Projection은 북미 지역에서 흥미로운 제품을 선보일 예정입니다! 아래 이벤트에 참여해 보세요:

May 3-4, Las Vegas
The Orleans Hotel & Casino
4500 W. Tropicana Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89103
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The Watershed Group Show
May 10-11, Toronto
• Register: Email Hailey Boyd at
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CCS National Sales Summit
May 16-17, Scottsdale, AZ
Hyatt Regency Scottsdale at Gainey Ranch
Booth #: 75
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CEDIA Tech Summit
May 23, Orange County
May 25, Los Angeles
• Register: Click here
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5th April 2023 – Digital Projection today announced the appointment of James Belso as regional sales manager for the UK and Ireland, the appointment is the latest in an extensive recruitment programme centred on growth in the EMEA region. In his new role, Belso will be tasked with further developing the company’s business through a select network of new and existing partners.

Reporting to Matt Horwood, Digital Projection’s EMEA director of sales, Belso will play a key role in identifying and serving the market needs for advanced display technologies for a range of applications. Ensuring a seamless experience and associated local support that customers have come to expect with Digital Projection. Working closely with Digital Projection’s Simon Hutchinson in the UK, Belso will help further boost the rapidly increasing brand awareness of the UK manufacturer in the region by utilising his customer network and extensive industry experience.
Belso, a Pro-AV veteran, brings over 22 years of experience to his new role. His most recent position as commercial director at UK distributor Visualization Ltd saw him successfully set up a new hardware sales side of the business, demonstrating his ability to drive demand and growth: “My extensive experience in the pro-AV industry, particularly with projection, will be a major asset in my new role at Digital Projection,” he comments.
“I am excited to join such an innovative company, from pioneering technology like Satellite MLS (Modular Laser System) to delivering great pre- and post-sales customer support from their UK headquarters”, enthuses Belso. “I was particularly drawn to the company because of its ability to push the boundaries of development, delivering cutting-edge products and solutions that are always at the forefront of the industry.”

Digital Projection welcomes James Belso as UK and Ireland regional sales manager
Digital Projection welcomes James Belso as UK and Ireland regional sales manager

Belso is particularly enthusiastic about Digital Projection’s reputation in the industry: “The company strikes the perfect balance between being big enough to compete with all the other top brands, whilst managing to remain true to their values of customer care, providing support and attention every step of the way.”

Belso’s industry background includes several senior sales roles at major display manufacturers. “Having worked with vendors, distributors, and system integrators, I have developed a deep understanding of the industry’s needs and challenges, and I look forward to leveraging this knowledge to help drive growth and innovation at Digital Projection,” Belso continues.
“Digital Projection is a great cultural fit for me,” he concludes. “I am inspired by its human approach and commitment to the industry and I am looking forward to contribute towards the company’s continued success with the team.”
Digital Projection’s Matt Horwood comments: “We are thrilled to welcome James to our team. His appointment will bring significant value to our company and our customers. What sets James apart is his alignment with both our company’s and customer’s values. We pride ourselves on fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation and excellence and James shares these values wholeheartedly. We are truly excited to have him on board.”

The British projection manufacturer will join forces with projection mapping specialist VIOSO on stand K800 in Hall 3 for a creative, application-based visual extravaganza set to thrill visitors.

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Manchester (UK), 9th January 2023 – Digital Projection will again be playing a central role at 2023 Barcelona’s Integrated Systems Europe (31 January – 3 February), where the manufacturer will be showcasing its class leading, high-end projection products and technologies, including what is arguably the most important development in projection since the advent of laser light source: Digital Projection’s revolutionary Satellite MLS (Modular Laser System). Digital Projection will be joined on the stand by VIOSO, which will bring its expertise in complex dome calibration and video-mapping projection to create an eye-catching application-based stand experience.

Building on the company’s commitment to develop and make available breakaway projection technologies for the world’s best immersive experiences, the Digital Projection stand will host the latest and most advanced visual technologies alongside its flagship Satellite MLS, with the world’s brightest 1-Chip DLP® projector (M-Vision 27000), as well as the mighty TITAN range of projectors.

Digital Projection’s unique Satellite MLS technology will arguably be a show highlight again this year: Challenging the outdated view from the rest of the projection industry, Digital Projection has turned the concept of performance-to-size ratio by developing a technology that allows BOTH smaller and more powerful projectors. Offering significant benefits at every stage of a system design, Satellite MLS separates the light source from the small, lightweight projector ‘head’, giving integrators greater freedom, particularly where space and access are restricted, while reducing noise and heat from the audience location. By separating the projection head from the light source and linking the two with robust and flexible fibre-optic cables up to 100m long, Digital Projection’s latest innovation offers integrators and system designers more flexibility and options to deploy advanced visual solutions, whilst making high-end RGB laser illumination accessible at a cost-effective price point.

Digital Projection 은 올해 ISE 2023 에서 가장 광범위한 프로젝션 제품을 선보입니다.

M-Vision 27000

Visitors to the stand will also discover the new M-Vision 27000: previewed for the first time at ISE, it will be shipping in early Q3 2022 and is set to be the world’s brightest 1-Chip DLP laser projector. True to its commitment to offer ever-closer 3-Chip DLP performance at a 1-Chip DLP price point, the new M-Vision 27000 packs the most advanced technologies to bring stunningly saturated colours at levels of brightness never attained before.

All these technologies will be brought to life with a little help from VIOSO’s magic, which is partnering with Digital Projection at ISE this year to offer visitors a mapping spectacular. Benjamin Fritsch, CEO of VIOSO GmbH, commented: “We are proud to team up with Digital Projection at ISE and utilise the power of their unique projection technology to create a stunning visual experience. One of the show stopper will undoubtedly be the free floating projection dome powered by Digital Projection’s MLS technology.”

VIOSO will showcase its latest ground-breaking multi-playback warping & blending system which is integrated in more than 30 software- and hardware tools on the market. An interactive bar enhanced by multi-projection as well as a demo area and a unique projection mapping exhibit powered by VIOSO’s calibration and playback technology will complete the stand.

Visit Digital Projection and VIOSO at ISE 2023 on Hall 3, stand K800

Digital Projection 은 올해 ISE 2023 에서 가장 광범위한 프로젝션 제품을 선보입니다.

Continuing with the showcase of our Satellite MLS, Digital Projection demonstrated at a recent series of CEDIA Tech Summits for the residential market.

We provided our attendees the chance to experience incredible imagery with super sharp visuals and amazing color. For that big screen experience at home, this new model from Digital Projection is a true game changer!

We participated in the following summits:

  • October 18 in Denver, CO at the Denver Marriott West
  • November 1 in Irvine, CA at the Irvine Hilton
  • November 3 in Woodland Hills, CA at the Marriott Warner Center
  • December 6 in Tampa, FL at the Embassy Suites Tampa – USF/Near Busch Gardens
  • December 8 in Coral Springs, FL at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Coral Springs Hotel & Convention Center

Digital Projection was thrilled to exhibit our current technology for the residential entertainment industry at the CEDIA Tech Summits.

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